Employment issue? Call us today at (512) 330-0017!


The challenges that employees can face in the workplace can be significant, especially when they believe they are being treated unfairly by their employer. Thus, it’s important that workers understand their rights under the law so they can make sure they are protected and know when to take action. However, as we at The The Melton Law Firm, know, many workers are not completely aware or knowledgeable about their full protections under the law. In order to ensure that you have access to the information that you need regarding employment law, we have compiled the following collection of articles touching on a number of different topics relating to this area of the law.

If you would like to speak directly with a lawyer about your case, please contact our offices at (512) 330-0017 today.

The Melton Law Firm
925 S Capital of Texas Hwy
Ste B225
Austin, TX 78746
(512) 330-0017

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